So you know about the War of 1812 and Ft. McHenry and Francis Scott Key writing the song that someone has to perform before the Superbowl can happen. But a few miles from where I sit the Brits showed up, and due to poor tactical decisions, they were able to kick ass, make their way down the Anacostia River and have a big sausage roast and sing-song around the embers of D.C.
So we're havin' a partay to celebrate!
On the one hand this is better than the sullen, non-stop promises that Next Time Things Will Be Different Just You Wait, from the great-great-grandsons of the Confederacy.
But ... A musical?
If it weren't for the War of 1812, Washington Irving would never have met Ichabod Crane.
I did not know that, thanks. Are there any celebrations up your way?
There are some commemorations upstate- most of the actions took place on the Canadian border. I'm right outside of New York City, as in "walk three blocks and I am in the city".
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