Friday, October 24, 2014

Much, much, much, much, much shorter Andrew Sullivan

"This may come as a shock, but I find I can identify with a pack of misogynist slack-jawed pickletits."

Do I harbor some traces of resentment at those who treat gay culture as some kind of straight playground, or at the mob of straight folks who will swamp any gay presence at next week’s once-very gay high heel race in Dupont Circle? Guilty as charged.

And look, many gamers were the bullied in high school; this was their safe space; it was a place they could call home. They now feel it slipping away, and it has unhinged some and disconcerted many, as a lot of mainstream culture has heaped scorn and ridicule on them at the same time. And I’m sorry, but I feel some sympathy here. 
Yes, you are sorry, you neck-bearded fucktoad. 


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The second best thing to ever happen on the internet is happening on the internet, right now

The Snarks vs. The Jet Set (courtesy of L, G & M).

I for one am pleased to see some rich person's vanity project waste money on this sort of thing. As legal representation goes it is the equivalent of dumping hundred dollar bills in a sewage treatment plant and waving bye-bye. But I also believe that attorneys have some duty to tell their clients when what they want is stupid and/or not achievable by legal means.

I've thought about it and concluded there's no way a semi-conscious attorney would believe Preserve.Us had any sort of case against Gawker.

So the firm is either:

Laden with incompetents who don't know the law from their assholes (and believe me, there are plenty of practicing lawyers who don't), or

It is full of the kind of scum who give rise to lawyer jokes. "Sure writing this letter makes us look like morons or like a bunch of lying bullies. And yeah the most likely out come is it will create more negative publicity for the client. But who cares? We've got bills to pay and puppies to abuse!"

p.s. Go Gawker!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Ebola outbreak is bad but ...

It is in Liberia in Sierra Leone. Those are places that aren't America, so it is kind of a bummer if you're an American who wants to projectile shart all over the place. I mean, yeah there's the guy in Dallas, but the two in D.C./MD didn't pan out.  So sad.

But fear not bacon-streakers! Naomi Wolf has got you covered.

Picture this: U.S. soldiers go to the affected region, not - as the DoD claims - to build field hospitals to you know, keep more people from dying horrible deaths, but so they can be infected with the disease, bring it back to the United States and create a massive outbreak that will allow Dictator Obama to declare martial law.

I am not making this shit up, if I could make this shit up, I'd hate myself:
And…TV news in US reporting Department of Defense is sending three thousand troops to Liberia..troops with no medical construct and run field hospitals for Ebola….then they will be quarantined for 21 days…and eventually come home. A crazy idea as Liberia and Sierra Leone already have a dense infrastructure if medical aid organizations on the ground…many Western ones…that already have doctors nurses and well tested medical education networks that were activated to educate people about AIDs. I was in Freetown and witnessed this. What they don’t have is enough doctors or supplies. They need the CDC not the Pentagon. So why send soldiers with no medical background? A. Militarized Africa has long been on the agenda but B. Three thousand Ebola-exposed American troops creates a direct vector into the US and whatever happens a narrative can exist to justify military condoning of US populations…quarantining Americans…emergency measures to limit travel…crisis best left to military not civil authorities. People in Liberia and Sierra Leone know perfectly well how to build more buildings for more beds..these are modern societies…they just need money. There is no practical reason to put our soldiers in the eye if ebola. That is why I dont like this narrative. ..
Perfect isn't it? Down to the sometimes laughable typos. References to the countries' health infrastructures would be funny ... Well not really, because what the fuck? The disease is still spreading, medical professionals are fleeing for their fucking lives. But if we just drop some money on the problem, it will be OK. Why? Because the countries have systems in place to deal with AIDS, which is a disease too, so why all the fuss, huh? 

She even manages to state that the soldiers will be quarantined and then ignore the fact that they'll be quarantined. What does she think they'll do; Smuggle a freezer bag of shit in their socks?

I'm not sure how the same military that will be the Petri dish for the Cooties of Doom will be able to enforce martial law. "Stop or I'll ... aaargh [thud]!"

Maybe that's what this incredibly gross person wants us to think. Infected soldiers will be ordered to take up station around cities and on roads, and then they'll die. Or maybe she doesn't want anyone to think at all. There's an outside chance she likes being told she's full of shit, but people like this tend to take themselves way too seriously.